Irene O'Connell

City of San Bruno
Board of Directors
Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency 

Irene O’Connell was appointed by the City Council of the City of San Bruno to the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency in 2003. She has served on the Board Policy Committee as the Chair and Vice Chair, as well as Chair and Vice Chair of BAWSCA. 

The City of San Bruno owns and operates its own utility, providing water to residential, commercial and light industrial customers in San Bruno and unincorporated areas of San Mateo County. 

An educator by profession, Ms. O’Connell was first elected to the city council in 1995. She serves on the City’s Climate Change/Sustainability; Utilities; and Cable standing committees. She has been a member of City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) since 1996, serving on their Legislative Advisory Committee and their Congestion Management, Environmental Quality Committee. She is a Board member and Chair of the San Mateo County Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services Group ALS-JPA, and a Board member of Colma Creek Flood Control District. Ms. O’Connell is the Founder and President of the San Bruno Library Foundation. She instituted and chairs the City’s Beautification Task Force. 

Ms. O’Connell holds a B.A. degree in Liberal Studies, a M.A. degree in Elementary Education, and a life-time multi-subject teaching credential from the State of California. She taught sixth and eighth grades at St. Veronica Catholic School in South San Francisco, and library/research science to grades K through 8 at Star-of-the-Sea in San Francisco. Currently she works as an education consultant, specializing in the Western Catholic Educational Association accreditation process.