News and Press

Sepember 20, 2024 - BAWSCA Statement on the Board's Selection of its Next CEO/General Manager.


September 12, 2024 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the Passage of Assembly Bill 2962 (AB 2962, D. Papan) That Will Continue State Oversight of San Francisco's $4.8 Billion Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) to Rebuild its Regional Hetchy Hetchy Water System.


May 28, 2024 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement Regarding the Importance of Necessary Investments to Ensure a Reliable Supply of High-Quality Water at a Fair Price for the Water Customers its Represents.


May 10, 2024 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on BAWSCA's Appeal of the recent Court Decision in the State Water Board Cases related to the State Water Resources Control Board's (State Water Board) Updated Bay-Delta Plan (Plan).


March 20, 2024 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement Regarding the recent Court Decision in the State Water Board Cases related to the State Water Resources Control Board's Bay-Delta Updated Plan.


May 18, 2023 - Nicole Sandkulla's Oral Statement Supporting the State Water Board's Evaluation of the Proposed Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement as a Possible Amendment to the Bay-Delta Plan.


April 6, 2023 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement Regarding Governor’s Recent Executive Order and Continued Need for Voluntary Conservation


March 10, 2023 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the call for a Voluntary 15 Percent Water Use Reduction Given Ongoing Drought Conditions.


February 21, 2023 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the State Water Resources Board's Schedule for Consideration of a Voluntary Agreement for the Tuolumne River.


January 5, 2023 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the issuance of BAWSCA's Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2023A that will generate approximately $27.1 million in net present value savings over the term of the bonds for the water customers in Alameda, San Mateo and Santa Clara County that BAWSCA represents.


May 24, 2022 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) About the Adoption of a Systemwide Water Use Reduction of 11%, in Alignment with State Requirements and SFPUC’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan’s Shortage Level 2.


March 29, 2022 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the Call for a Voluntary 15 Percent Water Use Reduction Given Ongoing Drought Conditions. 


BAWSCA Statements on the State Water Resources Control Board's Substitute Environmental Document for the Bay-Delta: San Joaquin River Flows and Southern Delta Water Quality


On September 15, 2016, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) released the Recirculated Draft Substitute Environmental Document in Support of Potential Changes to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay-Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta Estuary: San Joaquin River Flows and Southern Delta Water Quality (SED).  BAWSCA supports the goal of the Plan but strongly opposes the State Board's current proposed details of implementing it.  BAWSCA supports the science-based alternative developed and proposed by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), which has been developed by experts on the Tuolumne River and which, when implemented, will provide greater fishery benefits with reduced water supply impacts.


November 10, 2022 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on State Water-Policy Officials, SFPUC, and Districts Sign MOU for Tuolumne River to Help Recover Salmon While Protecting Water Reliability.


May 24, 2022Nicole Sandkulla's Statement Urging the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to Tell Residents, Businesses and Communities in Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties How It Will Protect their Future Water Supply from the Tuolumne River and Involve BAWSCA Directly in this Effort Just as it Has Been in Rebuilding the SFPUC's 165-mile Water-Delivery System.


March 22, 2022 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement to the SFPUC about its Responsibility to Continue to Provide a Reliable Supply of High-Quality Water at a Fair Price from the Tuolumne River with Adequate Protection for Fish and the Environment.


November 18, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement:  A Way Forward with a Revised Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement (TRVA) to Protect the Water Users in Alamenda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties with Leadership from Governor Newsom and His Senior Staff Who Support Voluntary Agreements to Resolve Water-Supply Issues.


October 26, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement Responding to a Message from Governor Newsom's Secretaries of the Environmental Protection Agency and Natural Resources Agency About a Voluntary Agreement to Improve Fish and Wildlife Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta


September 14, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the Call for a Voluntary 15 Percent Water Use Reduction Given Ongoing Drought Conditions 


July 27, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement that Urges the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to Move Forward Now To Protect Fish and Water Users


July 11, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on Current Water Use Reductions and Water Supply Issues


April 19, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement about the Need for State Analysis of the Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement (TRVA), as an Alternative to the Bay-Delta Plan


March 9, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement about the Need for State Analysis of the Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement (TRVA) as an Alternative to the Bay-Delta Plan


January 26, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement to SFPUC Commissioners regarding operational responsibilities of BAWSCA and the Commission in light of the challenges that both BAWSCA and the SFPUC face with the State Board’s update to its Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta Plan).


June 25, 2019 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commissioners regarding New Sources of Water for Future Drought Years


February 13, 2019 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement on BAWSCA Joining Other Water Agencies in Legal Action to Halt the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board)'s Bay-Delta Updated Plan


August 21, 2018 - Tom Francis Statement to the SWRCB regarding the "Draft Final Bay-Delta Plan Update" 


August 12, 2018 - Nicole Sandkulla Statement on the Accuracy of Comments by Tuolumne River Trust


July 18, 2018 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement on the Draft Final Bay-Delta Plan Update


January 3, 2017 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement before the State Water Resources Control Board


BAWSCA Statements on Current Water Supply Conditions


June 21, 2021 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement about the Need for Water Customers to Use Water Wisely and Voluntarily Reduce Water Use Given Ongoing Drought Conditions.


BAWSCA Statements on East Palo Alto's Request for Additional Water Supply from the San Francisco Regional Water System

August 2016

Urgent discussions are underway among EPA, the City of Mountain View, the City of Palo Alto, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and BAWSCA to provide EPA the additional water it needs to build a new school and complete 11 construction projects to improve its community.

May 8, 2018 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement about Palo Alto Council Action to Tranfer Water to East Palo Alto

May 23, 2017 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement about Mountain View's Agreement to Sell Some of Its Water Rights to East Palo Alto

August 17, 2016 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement about Providing More Water for East Palo Alto From the San Francisco Regional Water System

August 5, 2016 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement about the Request from East Palo Alto for More Water


BAWSCA Statement on SFPUC Water Management Action Plan (WaterMAP)

June 2016

In 2008, the SFPUC adopted the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Water System Improvement Program (WSIP). As part of it, the SFPUC adopted level-of- service goals for water supply, reliability, and quality. Several critical water-supply decisions were deferred until the end of 2018. 

Planning studies related to those deferred water-supply decisions are in SFPUC's WaterMAP to support the decisions that this Commission must make by December 31, 2018.    

June 28, 2016 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement

June 14, 2016 - Nicole Sandkulla's Statement


BAWSCA Statement on Restore Hetch Hetchy's Legal Action to Drain Hetch Hetchy Reservoir

April 21, 2015

A group named Restore Hetch Hetchy (RHH) has filed a lawsuit in Tuolumne County, which if successful, would lead to the draining of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. RHH's goal is to restore Hetch Hetchy Valley, a public policy issue that has been debated for more than 100 years.

Nicole Sandkulla's Statement

SFPUC Requests 10 percent Voluntary Water Use Reductions

January 14, 2015

January 31, 2014 - San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) provided formal notification of its request that customers of the San Francisco Regional Water System voluntarily curtail water consumption by at least 10 percent. BAWSCA supports this action, which follows SFPUC General Manager Harlan Kelly's statement on Tuesday, January 28th, notifying the Commission of his intent to make such a request.

Nicole Sandkulla's Statement