Conservation Implementation Plan

The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) initiated work on the development of the Water Conservation Implementation Plan (WCIP or Plan) in September 2008.  The Plan was finalized in September 2009.

The specific objectives of the WCIP are as follows:

  • Assist BAWSCA member agencies in evaluating the potential water savings and cost-effectiveness associated with implementing additional water conservation measures, beyond what they had committed to in 2004.
  • Determine the potential water savings in 2018 and 2030 associated with implementing a selected suite of new conservation measures, in addition to the 2004 water conservation commitments;
  • Determine BAWSCA’s role in assisting the member agencies in achieving their individual water conservation goals; and
  • Develop a coordinated, regional plan for implementing water conservation which serves as a guideline for the BAWSCA member agencies to implement specific, new water conservation measures to meet both the water conservation savings they committed to in 2004, as well as up to an additional 10 MGD of savings. Under the assumption that a specific suite of water conservation measures are implemented, the WCIP provides information as to who (i.e., BAWSCA, the member agencies, or Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), etc.) should implement what conservation measure or program, and when they should implement each measure or program in order to achieve the specified water savings goals.