Jerry Marsalli

City of Santa Clara
Board of Directors
Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency 

erry Marsalli was appointed by the City of Santa Clara to the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) in 2013. The city provides water from the San Francisco regional water system to commercial/industrial customers in its northern area and to residents in the southern area. The city owns and operates its own water utility. 

Mr. Marsalli was elected to a four-year term on the Santa Clara City Council in November 2012. He was appointed as Vice-Mayor in 2013. Mr. Marsalli serves the City as a member of the Audit Committee, Downtown Revitalization Plan Committee, Ethics Committee, and Facilities Naming and Honorary Recognition Committee. 

Regionally, Mr. Marsalli serves on the Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC) Board of Directors, and CASCC’s City Selection, and Legislative Action Committees as an Alternate. He also serves on the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority Board of Directors, Santa Clara Valley Water Commission, Santa Clara County Emergency Operational Area Council, Guadalupe/West Valley Flood Control and Watershed Advisory Committee, San Jose/Santa Clara Clean Water Financing Authority, and San Jose/Santa Clara Treatment Plant Advisory Committee. 

Prior to his election on the City Council, Mr. Marsalli’s community involvement include serving on the City of Santa Clara’s Parks & Recreation Commission, and General Plant Steering Committee. He also served on the Mission City Community Fund, and the City of Santa Clara’s Police Activities League, Vanguard, Elks Lodge and Veterans Memorial Committee. 

Mr. Marsalli earned his B.S. Degree in Criminal Justice from San Jose State University and had a 30-year career in Law Enforcement. He served in the California Army National Guard, and is a retired Lieutenant from the Santa Clara Police Department.