Sr. Water Resources Specialist

Andree Johnson is Sr. Water Resources Engineer for the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA), which comprises the 26 utilities that purchase water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) for resale to their local service areas. BAWSCA represents its members’ collective interests in their relationship with the SFPUC on matters related to water supply, facility reliability, operations, water quality and wholesale water rates. 

Ms. Johnson manages the development and implementation of BAWSCA’s twelve regional water conservation programs and the Regional Water Demand and Conservation Projection project. She also oversees the database that serves as the repository for all member agency information related to conservation and prepares the BAWSCA Annual Survey and Annual Water Conservation Report. She supports BAWSCA’s technical and policy-level work and coordinates with the BAWSCA agencies, local and state agencies, and the public to achieve regional compliance with legislative and contractual requirements. Her other duties include selection and management of consultants, budget preparation and tracking, and report preparation and analysis. 

Andree joined BAWSCA in September 2013. Previously, she was the Principal Water Resources Manager at Richard Brady & Associates where she completed a variety of water resources projects. She has Bachelors in Geography/Environmental Studies from the University of California – Los Angeles.