Event Details

Lawn Replacement 101

Registration Open

Lawn Replacement 101
Sat Apr 26, 10:00 am - 11:30 am - Open to the Public
Registration Closes Fri Apr 25, 5:00 pm

Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2A, Hayward, CA 94541

Lawn Replacement 101

Instructor:  Frank Niccoli

Host:  City of Hayward

Join this discussion to learn how to transform your landscape into a beautiful, water-efficient garden!  Discover how to replace traditional lawns with low- water alternatives and explore design strategies for creating a sustainable garden, proper plant establishment techniques, and best irrigation practices. This class offers all the tools you need to create a thriving, eco-friendly landscape.

Check in with the security desk on the first floor. 

Call (510) 320-0626 if you need assistance in finding the location.

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